Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Finding out more info...

Well, I've been emailing and talking on the phone trying to find out if my insurance will cover the cord blood thing. Based on what I've heard from the lady at UK thats in charge of billing, it depends on how its coded, and most likely it will be a basic IV infusion, then its likely to be covered. Another story is the actual cord blood collection kit, hopefully I can find out more about that soon. Ugg... I hate money. Everything is so expensive.

1 comment:

  1. Angie,

    I know you don't probably know who I am, but my son Matthew had his cord blood infusion shortly after he was born. I don't know if you know, but Duke will send you a kit. PLEASE call Dr. Kurtzburg, if you already haven't for info about that! That is what we did. I just wanted to make sure you knew that was an option! You don't have to go through the other commercial sites if you don't want to. Good luck, and it's worth it!!!
