Monday, January 25, 2010


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

Helen Keller

:) Great quote!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Steps Evaluation

Joey had his 6 month evaluation with First Steps. I can't believe he's been getting PT for 6 months already! He has come a LONG way since he first started, but we still have a ways to go. His therapist has put his gross motor skills at a 5-6 month level (he is actually 9 months). He still can't sit unassisted, only rolls to get off of his belly (he HATES being on his belly), won't get on his hands and knees, etc. So we've gotta get him exploring his environment more. They recommended we add OT to his therapy sessions. Hopefull that will help and he will get more motivated to MOVE. He is so lazy :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Year, New Background

I decided to change things up a bit :)

I'm feeling very optimistic about this upcoming year. 2009 was tough - not bad, just tough. God really tested me by giving me so much to deal with, but I believe I have come out a much stronger person! I am so grateful for everything I have in my life - a wonderful husband, amazing children, and an awesome family. I'll never take anything for granted again! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I don't know why I can't make myself keep up with this blog. Nothing is really happening to blog about I guess... Joey is still doing awesome. He has his 6 month evaluation with First Steps (Early Intervention program in KY) to see if he needs any other therapy added in at this point. I don't think he does really, he is still only behind in his motor skills. He hates being on his tummy, not because he can't lift his head or anything, but because it makes him work! He is a lazy baby :) He would be super happy if he could just lay on his back all day, or sit in his jumperoo. He LOVES that! I'll have to post some pictures soon - he's gotten so big!